What is e-Learning?

e-Learning is learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies. Blended e-Learning refers to having a mix of traditional face to face learning and virtual realm (online) learning.  Best practice e-Learning enables accessible, relevant and high-quality learning opportunities that improve student’s engagement and achievement (New Zealand Curriculum 2007).

The importance of e-Learning and ICT in education lies primarily in two key areas:

  •       New technologies can enhance and accelerate students learning outcomes
  •       It is incumbent on schools to ensure students are prepared for the world they will enter on leaving college, and that is increasingly a ‘connected’ and ‘online’ world with regards to both the workforce and tertiary study.

The ICT Strategic Framework for students (Ministry of Education, 2006) outlines its vision for improving student achievement in the education sector with the use of ICT. Three of the goals set out in the Framework (MOE, 2006) that aims to deliver this vision are:
  • increased confidence, capability and capacity from the use of ICT by all participants in the education sector
  • greater opportunities for the generation, application and sharing of new ideas and technologies
  • more effective and efficient investment in ICT by education sector government agencies

The above goals align with Silverstream School’s vision of ‘learners motivated to achieve and succeed’. Underpinning this, is the vision for all students outlined in the New Zealand Curriculum – ‘Young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners’.

One of our goals at Silverstream School is to develop our students so they are successful, confident, connected global, digital citizens!  In order to achieve this, we need to “replicate in the classroom the world in which students are living” (The Innovative Educator). We want to do this to ensure their learning is meaningful, purposeful, engaging and successful.

With technology comes responsibility, and the school is committed to students engaging with ICT creatively, responsibly, critically and confidently.  We don’t just want digital citizens – we want safe digital citizens. Cyber safety will be an area we continue to develop alongside you.

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